How It Works

Getting Started

Window of Access

You'll have access to this course for 12 months after your date of purchase (or until February 1, 2026, if you enrolled during the pre-sale).

Buy Your Book

Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers (The Strategyzers Series), 2010

Select Your Ideal Window of Time

Find a 10 week period in your year when you want to complete this course. At the very latest, you will want to start 10 weeks before the course is set to expire, so you can take advantage of the 10 weeks of coaching.

It will be up to you to complete the 8 weeks of work in those 10 weeks. This means you have two "free" weeks built in, just in case you get sick, have to go on vacation, or want some extra time to work on a particular assignment.

If you finish in 8 weeks, you'll have two "bonus" office hours in the final two weeks for extra coaching.

Introduce Yourself

As soon as you enroll, introduce yourself to Mrs. Sanchez. She is looking forward to meeting you! Let Mrs. Sanchez know when you plan to kick-off the course, even if you only have a general idea. (Don't worry. You can change your mind about the timing. This just gives us a way to check in with you later if we don't hear from you. We don't want you to forget about your course!)

Note: Your comment will be read by others in the class, so don't include too much personal information.

Kick-Off Your Course

When you are ready for your 10 weeks to begin, complete the Course Kick-Off Assignment.

  • Within 48 hours, you'll receive your login for Mrs. Sanchez's Office Hours and your link to your homework folder where you can submit your assignments.
  • While you're waiting on that, feel free to get started on your Week 1 work!

After you kick off the course, you will have access to Mrs. Sanchez's Office Hours for 10 subsequent weeks. In other words, after that point, the clock is ticking! This provides an incentive for you to focus and get the work done in 10 weeks.

Progressing Through the Course

Each week, you will do the assigned reading, take the quiz, watch the video, and complete the assignment in the order Mrs. Sanchez instructs you to, following all assignment submission instructions. You will see homework submission instructions in each assignment.

Please note: This course is set up to require you to watch all of the videos and take the quizzes in the proper order. You will not be able to progress unless and until you have watched the video and completed the quiz.

Mrs. Sanchez will get back to you with written feedback on your submitted assignment and a grade (if applicable) within 48 hours.

You can attend Office Hours each week to discuss the feedback, ask questions, get additional coaching, or get help with your assignment (depending on whether it is graded).


You have 12 months to turn in the 10 assignments and get feedback, but you only have 10 weeks of Office Hours with Mrs. Sanchez after Course Kick-Off. There are 8 weeks of material.

You are welcome to set your own pace, but to get the most out of this course, we recommend:

  • Watch video, do reading assignment, and take quiz on Monday.
  • Complete assignment and turn it in by Wednesday morning.
  • Get feedback by Friday morning and attend Friday office hour to discuss.

Remember, you have two "extra" weeks in case something comes up or you fall behind!

When the 10 Weeks are Up

You have until the course expires to turn in your assignments for written feedback and grading. However, you only have access to Mrs. Sanchez's Office Hours for 10 weeks after Course Kick-Off. If you don't complete your work in that time, Mrs. Sanchez may be available to hire for coaching at an additional fee, which can be negotiated at that time.

Complete and Continue